About Me
Hi, I’m Holly.
This website is to share information about the books I write and why I write them. How they came to be, and what excites me.
I have three series and a few standalone books for your enjoyment.
The first series is Flowers and Thorns. I thought I was done with that series, but another story has started rattling my brain, wanting out. I say next year.
The second series is A Chance Inquiry. There are three books in the series so far with more planned. It is a historical mystery series with some romance.
My third series is named The Art of Love as the characters and their stories somehow revolve around “Art,” with a capital “A”. So far, I’m planning six books in the series. Three are currently available in print and ebook with audiobooks coming.

My Mother Painted This
My mother took up painting in her seventies, but had to stop in her mid-eighties due to debilitaing arthritis and encroaching dementia. I love that she thought to create a regency ladies tea party in keeping with my books!